Thursday, October 4, 2012

My baby brother

                                            This is what I am really missing in my life right now

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buddy: This is dad calling from planet earth. It has been awhile since you departed. I really miss you. I have a few questions to ask you

    1). How come you visited me in my dream with Pia Offner? She is a mother of a friend I knew in high school You introduced her to me in my dream and you said she needed a favor. She asked me to pray for her son. I won't devulge what her reason why was(personal) but I asked her isn't she already dead? Why did she need my prayers. She was already with God?

    Eddie: Dad, even though we are with God, every prayer has meaning! You meet thousands of people in your life and it is not by chance. You have a direct connection with that person even if it briefly. That person can benfit from your prayers also.

    Dad: I am having trouble with something. We are still having trouble making ends meet. I worked hard all my life to provide for the family. No matter what, we are always scraping by. It gets old after awhile. Can you help?

    Eddie: God helped you with me. For 30 years you used my SSI money to help the family. I am gald that I could help. But now, you are able to get by without my money. Does it seem that God abandoned you? No.... Do not worry about money. Too many people worry about it. I never worried about it. You always provided Dr. Pepper and hamburger helper for me. Don't you think God will provide? He will give you what you need. Do I sense a little pride coming from you? I hope not!

    O.k. smarty! Boy, you sure have become wise up there!
    I really love you and will continue to talk to you when I can. Love dad
